Recreational or Competitive Diving?

Many families are interested in Recreational Diving. Recreational Diving allows children to have fun, learn and enjoy the sport without the pressure of competition. This is a great way to start out Diving. But there are some drawbacks when you attend a Diving program that offers only recreational diving. Diving programs that only offer only […]
Who is the Greatest Competitive Diver of All Time?

This is a pretty easy answer right? Of course, it’s Greg Louganis. Greg Louganis won 4 gold medals and a silver, and were it not for an Olympic boycott in 1980, he most likely would have had six golds. Not only is this an incredible achievement but it happened when there were half as many […]
Upstate Diving Holiday Invitational 2018
Get the Meet information here: 2018 Upstate Diving Holiday Invitational Sign up on Divemeets