Trampoline Training for Divers

Training on a trampoline can be a helpful tool for divers for several reasons:

  1. Develops aerial awareness: Diving requires a lot of aerial awareness, as divers need to be able to orient themselves in the air to perform their dives accurately. Training on a trampoline can help divers develop this awareness as it allows them to practice and perfect their body position and movements while in the air.
  2. Builds core strength: Trampoline training can also help divers build core strength, which is essential for executing dives with precision and control. The constant bouncing and movement on the trampoline require the core muscles to engage and work hard to stabilize the body.
  3. Enhances coordination: Diving is a sport that requires a lot of coordination, and training on a trampoline can help divers improve their coordination skills. The constant motion and unpredictable movement of the trampoline can help divers improve their reaction time and coordination.
  4. Allows for repetitive practice: One of the main benefits of training on a trampoline is that it allows divers to practice their dives repetitively in a safe and controlled environment. This repetitive practice can help divers perfect their techniques and build muscle memory, which can then be applied to their diving in the pool.

Overall, trampoline training can be a valuable tool for divers looking to improve their skills, develop their strength and coordination, and perfect their diving techniques.

Upstate Diving has a complete dryland center with two trampolines, where we are able to train every day.